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On Discovering The Secret, Mentors, and Fighting for Your Life

Our mission is to support everyone on every step of their manifestation journey.

Dreammaker Law of Attraction Trainingour story
introduction to manifestation story



I’m Petri Maatta, founder of DreamMaker.

When I started my first business in 2003, I found myself fighting for my life, working day and night - but still struggling to make money.

Fighting For Your Life

Being an introverted person, I strongly disliked the idea of engaging in sales activities, cold-calling or other salesy marketing activities.

I was so against it, most days, I would just stare at the phone and make excuses for not calling anyone.

On the other hand, seeing how some entrepreneurial salespeople quickly amassed wealth, I kept thinking I'm loosing out.

I kept wondering about other ways for those who are not salespeople. What if...

With a determined spirit to explore a way forward, and being at my low-point in life, I made a promise to share any secrets of success that came my way.

My seven year journey was filled with obstacles and facing hardships that forced me to sell my belongings to make ends meet.

"At one point things got so bad, I literally had to sell my Jack & Jones trousers just to put food on the table.

Yet, I remained resolute in my determination.

Then, one day I figured out what I needed to do to be successful without making sales calls.

I didn't keep it a secret.

I shared it with everyone so they could be successful too.

It was this commitment to knowledge sharing and helping others that gave rise to DreamMaker.

Of course, most people were like, “yeah right”, using the mindset to be successful and make money, get out of here…

To be honest, I don't blame them, most people are stuck in old ways of doing things, including myself at that point.

But things can change.

the secret movie

The Secret Movie


Im 2007, things did start to change.

I discovered the movie 'The Secret'!

I am very excited and super determined to learn how to use the Law of Attraction.

However, I realize that I can't “get it”, no matter how many times I watch it.

Watch The Movie 60x Times

So, I end up watching the movie 60x days in a row.

Not only do I not know how to "extract the knowledge" from the movie.

I keep watching the movie over and over again, until I am completely confused.

I am still unable to make any daily manifesting rituals, as it is described in the movie.

I feel kinda like a mess.

So, over the next two years I watch YouTube videos, get myself into Facebook groups, and guess what happened?

I became even more CONFUSED!

Everyone and their brother has a different opinion on how to manifest “correctly”.

How did I know I'm confused?

  • Because nothing is improving.
  • My business is about to go into bankruptcy
  • I can't afford to pay for the rent.
  • I lose my health.
  • My house caught fire, so I had nowhere to live.
  • My girlfriend is disappointed, she keeps nagging me to pay half the rent, which I can’t afford…
  • And much, much more!

The final touch is when the accountant says: “Sorry Petri, your business is done”.

The pressure is on...

  • I give up.
  • I'm done.
  • I wish the struggle will come to an end.
  • At one point, I wish I was dead.

Since I can’t go any lower and things can’t become any worse, there is a certain calmness that enters my life.

I just go with the flow for a while.

I let go.

Meeting My Mentor

Meeting My Mentor


An interesting thing happens on 2 December 2009.

I'm talking to a client in his office, and he shares with me how he's been using “Secret” principles to build his business with 54 employees.

Principles that only a few selected people know about.

And when he explains what it is, and that in the world, there are only around 1786 USD billionaires (2010), it just sounds too crazy to me...

The Conversation

While listening to him, I start to realize the mistakes I've been making up until this point.

He looks at me and says, "Petri, how much do you earn per year?"

I say, “Not enough to live off.“

He then says that your“beliefs make up your reality.“

And then he asks me, Have you seen that movie “The Secret“?

I respond angrily, “I've watched that movie 60 days in a row, and that stuff doesn't work!”

At this point, I'm trembling with anger! (I've just spent 2 years of life trying to make it work)

He calmly says, “It does work… and I will prove it to you”.

He continues, "Because you have helped me with my business, I have decided to give you something great in return"

Then he drops theAtombomb on me.

"Would you like to learn how to become rich?”

I get goosebumps.

I wonder if he is serious.

I reply, “Yes, I do want to learn.”

He says, "Give me a year and I'll teach you how to use the Law of Attraction.

I’m ready.

The Manifesting Script

The Manifesting Script


In the first lesson, he shares with me his Manifesting process.

It's a manifesting script.

How it works is that you basically fill out the document, your goals etc, and then you start using the manifesting process.

At first, I don't know what to make of it all.

I just followed his lead.

Coaching Started

At this point I'm completely broke, about to be inform the government about my company going into bankruptcy.

I don't have a website, just an old laptop with my free skype account on it. I don't have a phone and I'm still not calling anyone.

I'm just following the manifesting process.

Then, I noticed that something happens inside of me.

I feel different, happier and more connected to my emotions.

I now feel that each morning ritual starts my day off with a bang! The feel-good lasts all day.

I now feel that I'm in the flow.

Suddenly, opportunities start to come to me. People start calling me (through Skype).

30x Income Increase using law of attraction

30x Income Increase In 120 Days!


1-2-3-4 month pass. Everything is exactly the same as four months ago.

However, I'm not the same person anymore. What is different is my mindset and vibration.

The Company Explodes

I feel happy, hungry, motivated, inspired. I feel extremely powerful, which at first scares me.

Because, only 4 months ago, I was about to file for bankrupcty, now $100k clients are begging me to create projects for them.

Even when I say NO to them 3 times, they just keep coming back.

I'm still not calling anyone, yet, I feel that new clients are forcing down the door in my house just to give me money.

The company income increases by 30x within 4 months.

I build a team, I buy a fancy new computer, a phone, and fix my old website (even if I don't need the website anymore to make money).

I keep hiring more people into my growing team.

Abundance of big clients.

Abundance of positive cash flow.

People around me are asking me in a serious tone: "How the f*** are you doing that"?

At that moment in time, I was not able to give them a straight answer, because I did not quite understand it myself.

I just said: it's that "mindset" thing that you thought was weird 4 months ago.

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