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Law of Attraction

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Law of Attraction Posts

Introduction to Manifesting

Today, I'm going to share with you a step by step guide on how to bring about all your desires into reality. The effective approach is to truly grasp the concept of the Law of Attraction. Why? Because when you fully understand the power it holds in shaping your life, it becomes your ticket to a life that surpasses your wildest dreams.

In today's world there are programs making grandiose claims about getting rich quick or losing weight rapidly. Thankfully this isn't one of those schemes. I'm simply offering you a mini course on a reliable law that operates as precisely as any scientific or mathematical principle.

This isn't something I've come up with myself; it's a “secret" that I'm presenting in an understandable format so that you can unlock your potential for success and experience the enchantment that surrounds us all. By tapping into the abundance of the universe you can create the lifestyle of your dreams.

If you possess a longing for something, you have the capability to manifest it into reality, regardless of the magnitude of that desire. This ability and advantage arise from aligning oneself with the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction

Well, it's a belief that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. If we maintain a certain type of mindset we're more likely to attract happiness and success in the future. On the other hand, if negative thoughts occupy our minds, we may encounter bad luck or experience what we don't want.


The Law of Attraction teaches us that we can use the power of our minds to bring what we desire in life. It all begins with having faith that everything is within our grasp - great wealth and happiness! Before anything, it's important to understand the core principles behind this concept.

Manifesting Your Desires

Have you ever found yourself yearning for a life? Well with the help of the Law of Attraction you can manifest anything your heart desires in this world. Whether its abundance or finding love - just believe in yourself and witness how swiftly things start to change!

What is the Law of Attraction?

Our modern civilization has a monumental awakening.

We are starting to connect the dots to play the game of life successfully. However, until now we, as a species have been traversing this journey called life without clarity. Most of us never truly comprehend the reasons behind occurrences. We hold on to the belief that life is merely random and in our limited understanding of the mind, emotions and spirituality we have assumed that external circumstances are solely responsible for our outcomes.

Now we are beginning to grasp that the world of causes operates invisibly to our eye. Everything we perceive physically is an outcome and manifestation of influential forces. All that we see physically is a result and projection of these powerful invisible energies.

Spiritual energy is manifest as physical energy

Spiritual energy can be observed as energy. That's why we often see brilliant minds, in science and theology, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the spiritual aspects of life. Our predominant mindset plays a role in shaping what enters our lives. The sooner we acknowledge this truth, the quicker we can enhance our lives and make progress.

If you've landed on this page it indicates that you're undoubtedly seeking outcomes in your life. You're already aware that comprehending your world is the key to manifesting those desired results successfully.

I also took some time to grasp this concept, which is why I'm now passionately sharing my discovery with individuals, like yourself. The truth is, a fulfilling lifestyle characterised by wealth, success and freedom is something you inherently deserve.

Read more:What is the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Fundamentals

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Fundamentals

The Law of attraction is a fundamental principle that ensures supply and demand always work together, harmoniously. Additionally, the Great Law of Life known as "Energy" Is and guarantees that the Law of attraction operates in a balanced manner.

Taking in the grand picture of this law

What exactly does that mean?

When we consider the picture of this law what does it truly mean? We will explore its core concepts deeply shortly. For now let's address questions regarding the authenticity of this Law.

  • The Law of attraction is not a matter of whether it works or not. Contrary to belief it is not merely a tool or a trendy technique that can be manipulated to obtain desired outcomes.
  • The fact that your body remains intact and protected by your skin is evidence that the Law of attraction actively influences your existence.
  • Have you ever pondered how cells, organs and tissues with characteristics adhere together, within your body? They collaborate with synchronicity without requiring attention from you.

Birds of a feather flock together. Like attracts like.

The concept of the Law of Attraction is simple enough for anyone to understand, especially the part about like attracts like. It's essentially about how similar things attract one another.

We can complicate the definition if we want. It won't be helpful. So let's keep it extremely simple here.

The Law of Attraction helps us comprehend how the unseen world of causes brings about manifestations and experiences.

In recent years there has been renewed interest in the principles and ideas related to the power of thought in a universal principle called "The Law of Attraction " which was introduced more than a century ago in the field of mental science known as "New Thought."

  • A prime example can be seen in Dr. Joe Vitale from "The Secret" movie.
  • Also take a look at Donald Walsh, the author of Conversations with God.
  • **At some point in their lives both of them experienced homelessness. **

This concept often referred to as "The Secret" or the trendy term "Law of Attraction " highlights like attracts like. If we believe that our thoughts have power, then applying this principle wisely means focusing on what we desire (the positive) rather than dwelling on what we don't want (the negative).

This is one way for individuals to consciously utilize this law.

However, the majority of what we attract aligns with our beliefs and our genuine self perception. Therefore, altering our mindset focusing on the positive aspects rather than dwelling on the negative ones is merely a superficial method that yields some positive outcomes but fails to address the underlying matter. The crux of this matter lies in the ideas we embrace about ourselves, our position in society and our connection with the life-giving energy of the universe.

"Once there is clarity of intent and diligent application toward an end {which usually requires the dissolution of unconscious fears and resistances} more often than not, quite spectacularly, one's desires manifest. "

- Albert Einstein

Manifesting Your Desires


Manifesting Your Dreams and Desires

The principle of the law of attraction ensures that supply and demand are always in harmony. Additionally the Great Law of Life known as "Energy Is " guarantees that the law of attraction operates in an harmonious manner.

It's possible that you may not have fully realized this before.

Once your intellect comprehends the process of creation happening within you you will have a clear understanding of how genuine and dependable the law of attraction truly is. The manifestation of your desires depends on how your mind learns to control the vibrations you emit.

This control is achieved through the law of being which means that who you believe yourself to be or your own sense of being determines what you attract. In essence, it makes the law of attraction secondary because it relies entirely on the more fundamental law of your existence. Ultimately, the Law of Attraction brings forth what already exists within you.

To cultivate the proper relationship to this Law, we must stop thinking about attracting things and focus on changing the underlying conception we have of ourselves.

“If we don't know who we are, if we have no clear sense of our true magnificence, and our integral relationship to Spirit we will continue falling at the mercy of the storms of life.”

Embracing Ourselves and Uncovering The Truth

If we find ourselves in a state of scarcity, where our self perception is shaped by conditioning and the belief that obtaining certain things will bring us happiness then we can only attract what aligns, with our limited and distorted self image.

Our manifestations in life will be aspirations and further scarcity because deep down we believe something is lacking within us. We feel incomplete. We believe that we need to manipulate the law of attraction to fill this void.

Unfortunately, this perpetual feeling of lack only attracts scarcity into our lives.

Ignorance breeds ignorance.

If we truly don't understand and want to connect with our true nature on a fundamental level we'll naturally seek external sources to forcefully acquire joy, love, beauty, self worth and prosperity that we think are missing from within us.

Creating a lifestyle and business, in our society, by adhering to outdated perspectives will only perpetuate the recurring cycles of negativity and pessimism that have plagued us throughout history.

This is why we must ingrain deep within our minds and hearts this new premise:

What we yearn for what truly resides in the depths of our hearts is our essence. It's a part of us that seems to have been lost amidst the existence of being human thanks to misguided convictions.

So the good news that I wish to deliver to you this day is that your sense of:

  • happiness
  • joy
  • aliveness
  • abundance
  • peace
  • beauty
  • freedom
  • wealth

is your true nature.

You are seeking yourself!

Diving deeper and deeper still…

You desire more out of life, that’s normal. Deep down you are driven by a quest to discover your heritage and embrace your authentic self even if you may not fully realize it yet. Your burning desire for freedom, a soulmate, a thriving business, beauty and inner peace stems from the essence of who you are, which is LOVE.

There is nothing wrong in desiring physical and material possessions since they represent tangible outcomes of our creative endeavors. The process of manifestation is complete when we can observe an impact or effect. Attracting material and external things is a part of being human; however it's crucial to grasp the truth that what we seek ultimately reflects our own true nature.

A freer, fuller, expanding version of your true Self.

A sense of permanent fulfillment and bliss can only come when your true nature in all aspects is found and becomes present in your daily life. And when you live from that place of fullness, wholeness, and presence, which is your natural state, you will automatically attract more and more fullness, wholeness, and presence in every conceivable way.

"To Desire is to Expect. To expect is to Achieve.”

- Raymond Holliwell

Avoid Negative Attraction

Law of Attraction

How To Avoid Negative Attraction

Science has provided evidence for the existence and consistent operation of the law of attraction. Therefore, it is crucial for us to be extra cautious about our thoughts and what we focus on throughout the day.

Our predominant mindset

Once we recognize that our predominant mindset, both in our thoughts and external conversations plays a role in shaping the conditions and quality of our experiences we can start manifesting only the positive outcomes we desire. It's important to cultivate what Napoleon Hill referred to as a "burning desire" for progress in all aspects of life, not just freedom. By doing so, we give the law of attraction an opportunity to assist us enabling everything to work in our favor. Obstacles become opportunities for growth and criticism from others becomes a catalyst for strength, productivity and unwavering faith.

Every challenge presents a chance for advancement and the creation of something. Each stumbling block serves as a stepping stone towards success when aligning with this law.

If you apply all the concepts discussed in this page, your burdens, weaknesses and limitations will feel lighter because the indomitable spirit within you will become unstoppable.

When driven by a passion you will undoubtedly tap into a stronger capability and deeper understanding. This is how you will effortlessly steer your thoughts and decisions, towards the paths that lead to achievements.

Does it sound too good to be true?

Some people with closed minds may think so. However, what they fail to understand is that mental attraction and the law of attraction operate in a manner to the law of gravity; they are just as definite and accurate.

I often encounter students who approach me claiming that this law is ineffective. Some state that they have attempted to apply this law and the visualization techniques frequently advocated by success experts but have been unable to attract their desires. In truth, it is quite challenging to pinpoint why someone has failed to manifest their desired outcome because no two individuals think alike. As a result no two people can make the same mistakes.


There are actually three steps that I often teach to help with this. Let me just share the most important one with you. If you're interested in learning all three steps we have a paid membership with all the resources.

The initial step that is essential for avoiding attraction and building realities is known as "Focused Attention."

Attention involves giving care or consideration to something or someone. Focused attention therefore refers to consciously noticing what you tend to pay attention to.

By practicing attention you gain the power of awareness enabling you to understand what captures your interest in the world.

This is crucial, for students seeking transformation and new results because what you perceive in the world is a reflection of what exists within your mind.

The human mind has a quality that draws in experiences and circumstances that align with its state. Our thoughts, expectations and beliefs shape our reality, attracting things and conditions that reflect the nature of our patterns.

Desiring material possessions for a well rounded and fulfilling life that brings happiness to yourself and allows you to assist others.

The deep rooted yearning, for harmony, joy, love, beauty, fulfillment, peace and abundance within you is noble and deserving of realization.

By aligning your actions with the principles and consistently expecting outcomes as evidence of your growing faith in the wisdom and sufficiency of the life force that originates all things you will witness an increasing manifestation of these desired conditions in your everyday existence.

To harness the power of attraction effectively it is crucial to expand your self perception beyond limitations while developing an understanding of this law. Remember that your thoughts, images and emotions play a role in directing the principle of attraction.

However, it is important to note that solely relying on the law of attraction does not guarantee feelings of joyfulness or complete security.That's why I recommend that you take the time to understand yourself. By reconnecting with your identity you'll position yourself for long term success and abundance in these chaotic and uncertain times.

Naturally, getting into deep questions such as

  • "Who am I?"
  • What do I truly desire?

requires exploring principles and laws which could be covered in a separate mini guide.

For now, focus on implementing what you've learned today and pay attention to the impact it has on your goals. Remember that we attract what aligns with our being. So to bring about change in our world we must first make fundamental changes within ourselves—altering how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we deserve. If you need assistance applying the concepts discussed in this guide to manifest a life beyond imagination feel free to join our membership program.

Together, let's ensure that you can bring forth a future surpassing your dreams.

To Your Successful Manifestations!

Dare to dream. We'll get you there.

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