We carefully review every email and message received from our readers, whether through direct communication or social media channels. Our commitment is to respond promptly to each inquiry. In response to the recurring queries we've received over the years, we've compiled a comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for your convenience. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email. Click here to contact us.
Certainly! Yes, indeed! You can access individual lessons and selected courses completely free of charge and with no restrictions. Feel free to explore them as many times as you'd like.
Once you click on "Try for free" you will create a DreamMaker account and will be able to purchase your membership immediately. You can easily pay by credit card or Paypal. Customers who prefer to purchase through our sales representatives can choose to pay by invoice.
Plans are annual. You will have access to the premium membership for 12 months. We do not currently offer monthly membership plans. You can start/stop or make changes to your plan at any time (but please note that there is no refund for cancellations).
The DreamMaker Premium plan is the easiest way to get started with our all-in-one solution for clarity coaching, goal-setting tools, morning rituals and powerful manifesting scripts at a greatprice. If you are looking for a lighter solution, check out our FREE PLAN, starting at $0 per year. Please note that the Free Plan only includes individual lessons that are part of courses or sections.
The DreamMaker Premium plan is the easiest way to get started with our all-in-one solution for clarity coaching, goal-setting tools, morning rituals and powerful manifesting scripts at a great price. If you are looking for a lighter solution, check out our FREE PLAN, starting at $0 per year. Please note that the Free Plan only includes individual lessons that are part of courses or sections.
You can pay for Premium Membership with your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express debit or credit card. Customers who prefer to purchase through our sales representatives can choose to pay by invoice. A final alternative is pay with Crypto currency such as Bitcoin (Crypto payments are manual). Paypal and Stripe uses SSL encryption and Level 1 PCI compliance to keep your data safe.
If you have signed up to our Premium Membership programme, you'll be billed on a recurring basis. The standard recurring period is 1 year. You can also find the exact date and time of your sbscription period on the manage subscriptions page, in your profile.
If you forgot your password, click here toset a new passwordfor your account. Follow the process. Then, you can login again.
To register an account you need to provide your name, email address, and password. Once you've signed up for an account, you may log in to your account any time to access your dashboard, make adjustments to your profile, or to subscribe to our membership.
The dashboard is your account’s main connection point, where you may see your courses, payment information, and user activity.
You can cancel your subscription at any time by going to your user profile page and clicking the 'Cancel Account' link. You will be able to access or use the account until the end of your subscription cycle.
At DreamMaker we take the security and privacy of your information seriously. We use industry encryption protocols to protect your data when it is being transmitted or stored. We have security measures in place to prevent any access, misuse or disclosure of your information.
We employ security technologies and practices such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and malware protection software to defend against data breaches.
All payments are processed at Stripe.com or Paypal.com. Sensitive financial details are not stored with us.