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Best Affirmations Guides, Why They Work and The Process Behind Them

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Why Use Affirmations

Our inner voice is often filled with self-doubt and negative self-talk. This is where affirmations can help. Affirmations help us take control of our thoughts so that we can stay focused on positive side:

  • Control your thoughts
  • Feel good about ourselves
  • Think about something
  • Replace some of those 60,000 negative thoughts that invade your brain
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Reprogram your neural pathways in the subconscious mind
  • Manifest something that you want
  • Instantly change your negative self-talk and replace it with something more positive!
  • And much, much more!

Incorporating positive affirmations into your daily routine means repeating a mantra. With a commitment to change, you'll find plenty of ways to make self-affirmations part of your life.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations or self-affirmations refer to statements that people use for intentional thinking to generate positive outcomes. Positive affirmations can also be used to boost their self esteem, to counter negative thoughts, overcome destructive behavior, and to create self love.

Why do they work?

When you start using self affirmations into your daily routine they possess the ability to strengthen your resilience to your goals. Affirmations do that by helping you identify and firmly uphold your core values. And to maintain the beliefs about the kind of person you want to be, and the life you desire.

How to use affirmations?

If you're interested in adding affirmations into your personal life or business for success, continue reading for guidance on how to do that.

What Are Affirmations

Affirmations, otherwise known as positive affirmations, are effective statements for change. They can assist us in overcoming our damaging thoughts, and behavior patterns.

We often pick up negative thought patterns in school, the news and media in general.

With regular repetition of positive mantras, we can begin to change our thinking, and thought patterns. This will help us develop a healthier outlook, in all areas of life.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to help us transition our thinking from:

  • negative to positive thinking
  • inspire action to do something important
  • reduce stress levels by controlling your focus
  • remain strong in hard and stressful times
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • increase self-confidence
  • become more focused and self disciplined
  • general well-being
  • And much, much more!

Whether said aloud or within your own mind, affirmations have immense power. They can make miraculous transformations in our lives.

Read more:What are affirmations

why do self affirmations work

Science of Affirmations

Why do self-affirmations work?

The effectiveness of affirmations stem from neuroscience, which studies the structure and functioning of the human nervous system. By repeating positive affirming statements, the brain can establish new neural pathways. Which futhermore helps to form tangible connections to these reiterated thoughts.

In essence, strengthening these neural pathways, facilitates an effortless return, to these affirmations and thought patterns instead of succumbing to negative thinking. Over time this can result in physical outcomes linked to improved self perception, such as heightened self-esteem, confidence and reality creation.

Read more:Why affirmations are so powerful

How To Use Affirmations

If you're familiar with affirmations, then you know that they are positive statements. You say them to yourself throughout the day or on occasion where you need them.

Affirmations help rewire the thought patterns in the subconscious mind. The subconscious then accepts these statements, which then become manifest.

Here are a few examples for manifesting:

Money: The affirmation would then look something like this:

  • “I am a money magnet”
  • “I always have plenty of money”
  • “There's too much money in the world”

Self confidence: The affirmation would then look something like this:

  • “I'm a smart and I can solve anything I put my mind to”
  • I'm an worthile and valuable person"
  • “I'm excellent at doing this or that 'thing'”

Every time you're in a specific situation, be aware, and repeat the affirmation to yourself.

You can do this once or several times.

You do this on occasion or by repeating it several times, each day.

To make it a part of your belief system, you should repeat it by verbalizing it or to think about in quietude.

While some people experience a shift within a day, others may take a longer time to see results. This happens due to the amount of self-doubt a person has, the limiting beliefs held in one's subconscious mind.

Read more:How to use affirmations

1. Positive

Avoid stating your affirmations from an negative point of view. Using words like doesn't, don't, won't, and can't will have a negative effect. These types of words will have an opposite effect. According to the Law of Attraction, if you focus on the lack, you're still giving attention to it. Apositive affirmationis about what you want to happen.

2. Present moment

Affirmations help to raise your vibration. Use the present tense as if the affirmation is taking place now. Write your affirmation in the present tense. Avoid future tense words, such as “I will” or “I am going to.” Future tense implies that the affirmation has not yet occurred or never will. It will prevent you from receiving the outcome.

3. Personal

Affirmations are all about yourself, your business and life. It's impossible to control how others behave. Therefore, you should take full responsibility for your emotions, thoughts and feelings expressed by stating “I am…” in affirmations Avoid statements like “He/she will” as these could not be controlled by the speaker. Affirmations must be personal!

What is the psychology behind affirmations

Affirmations rewire our neural pathways. When repeated, affirmations have the power to make lasting change. Changes happen to the part of the brain associated with contentment, and optimism.

Various research has backed this theory too, that positive statements lead to:

  • Decreased stress levels
  • Increases physical 'take action' levels
  • Improved academic performance and results
  • Successful business achievements and outcomes
  • Improved love relationships

To apply affirmations in your life, you must use them correctly. Incorporate the three basic rules of positive, present moment, and personal.

When To Use Affirmations

Repeating Affirmations

When To Use Affirmations

Affirmations can be used all the time, for any situation. You can repeat them to yourself in the morning, at work, or in the evening. Basically, whenever you need a boost of positivity or motivation.

Nevertheless, there are moments when affirmations can be especially helpful:

  • When you don't feel good about yourself
  • When you're trying to make a positive change in your personal life
  • When you're intending to manifest what you want
  • When you've set yourself a goal that is important to you
  • When you're doubting your ability to do important challenges in life
  • When you're up against a difficult life or business situation

If any of these resonate with you, why not try the power of affirmations next time anxiety strikes? You just may be surprised by how much better they make you feel.

Types of Affirmations

When doing affirmations, one must choose the right type to make it effective. It's of little use to do money affirmations if you are working on mental health, anxiety or love etc.

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